Conference Submissions

Summary of Submission Requirements & Deadlines

Abstract Length
Extended Deadline for
Abstract Receipt
Deadline for Presentation Files
Upload in the System
Paper presentations * 500 words 31 July 2024
20 August 2024
Posters/demonstrations **

300 words

10 August 2024

20 August 2024

Special interest groups **

500 words


20 August 2024


300 words


not applicable

* If your submission was invited by a particular Session Chair, please mark as such and include their name when submitting.
** Since frequently the intent of posters, presentations and SIG is to convey late-breaking scientific news and work in progress, they will be promptly peer reviewed as they are received.

Deadline for receiving camera-ready (full papers):  12 July 2024 (Closed)

For inclusion in the Conference Proceedings, at least one unique registration per paper or poster is required.  

Submission Instructions:

  1. If you have not submitted an abstract through the system, then Log in to the IHSED Conference Submission System to submit your abstract. New IHSED Submission System Users? Sign up here. If you forgot your password? Reset here.

  2. If you have submitted an abstract, then log in to find your submission “Paper ID. Please DO NOT create a new submission system ID. Use your original and accepted paper submission ID.

  3. Following the peer-review process, a decision will be communicated to the author(s). Upon receiving a positive decision, authors can submit their optional extended abstract to the system. The minimum page size of extended abstracts (full papers) is 6 pages and maximum is 10 pages, including all paper components such as references, appendices, acknowledgements,…etc. Papers or abstracts over 8 pages of length will not be included in the Conference Proceedings.

  4. Follow the IHSED Full Paper Submission Instructions and paper preparation format exactly to avoid delays. Papers formatted improperly will be returned to the author(s). A signed “ Consent to Publish” form (Copyright Transfer Agreement) must be uploaded and submitted (PDF format) during the full paper submission process, Consent to Publish File Name Format (Consent_primary author lastname_firstname_PaperID.pdf). Full papers must be submitted using a Microsoft word document file format (DOC, DOCX). The paper File Name Format should be: primary author lastname_firstname_PaperID.doc (example, Doe_John_111.doc).

Login to the IHSED submission system and upload the following three files for camera-ready paper :

  1. Final proofread paper (MS Word in DOC or DOCX, including all figures and tables). File Name Format should be: [PrimaryAuthorLastName_FirstName_PaperID.DOC].

  2. Final PDF file corresponding exactly to the final paper. File Name Format should be: [PrimaryAuthorLastName_FirstName_PaperID.PDF].

  3. Scanned copy of a filled in and signed Copyright Form (PDF file). Modified forms are not acceptable. File Name Format should be: [Consent_PrimaryAuthorLastName_FirstName_PaperID.PDF]

  4. Note: One author may sign on behalf of all of the other authors of a particular paper. Please note that the field "Volume Editor" should be left blank.

      Guidelines for final, camera-ready papers (Optional) for IHSED Edited Books

    Update: Camera ready/Full Paper preparation template and the Consent to Publish (Copyright Transfer Agreement) can be downloaded directly from the submission system.

Instructions: login to the submission system using your author credentials (once abstract decision is made) and download the paper preparation template and the consent to publish form, both files will be available in your author account under "Camera-ready submission". If you have problems accessing the system or downloading the files, then send the conference administration at

    IMPORTANT : Your camera ready (full paper 5-10 pages) must be saved in Microsoft Word Document file format (.doc, .docx), with Paper File Name Format (primary author lastname_firstname_PaperID.doc) and submitted to the IHSED Conference Submission System.

    Consent to Publish (Copyright Transfer Agreement): Download, Print, Sign then scan the signed consent to publish form. Upload the file saved in acrobat PDF file during camera ready (full paper) submission. Consent to Publish File Name Format (Consent_primary author lastname_firstname_PaperID.pdf) .

    Note: One author may sign on behalf of all of the other authors of a particular paper. Please note that the field "Volume Editor" should be left blank.

    If you have problems accessing the submission website or forgot your password, then Click here to Reset password, or send to the conference administration at:

    Registration Regulation:

    All presenters, regardless of the mode of presentation (verbal or poster), are invited to prepare full papers for the Conference Proceedings (Optional). Co-authors may appear on multiple papers. However, in order to provide a greater opportunity for more people to present at the Conference, each accepted paper should have a different conference registrant.


Full Paper Peer-reviewing Process:

The full paper peer-reviewing process is critical for assuring the highest scientific quality of the papers accepted for publication.

At least two independent reviewers will review all submissions according to a specific field of research. The reviewers' comments will be provided to assist the authors in improving the paper's technical content, structure, and language. The reviewers and track chairs are responsible for ensuring scientific equality and high standards of the accepted papers.

Authors ensures that the submission reports on unpublished work except for any minor excerpts from other works including pre-published illustrations, tables, text quotation, etc. Such material has been cited accordingly in the current submission, and will been included upon permission from or on behalf of the rights holder in case they are protected by copyright. Please read the Ethical Standards for Publication.

Please note that participant registration for the conference does not guarantee paper publication as all papers undergo a strict peer-review process. Participant registration covers conference program and scientific functions participation and attendance, optional social events, and access to digital proceedings.

Editorial Process

    IHSED operates a peer-review process for both abstract submissions and full paper proposals with two to three independent reviewers, followed by a final acceptance/rejection decision by track chair(s) and the respective volume Editor(s). The scientific program chair is responsible for the scientific quality of the overall publication process, including acceptance decisions, approval of Volume Editors and selection of topics, and new Scientific Board members.

    Full paper editorial process schedule:

    • Abstract Submissions: Notification of decision between 6-10 days on Average

    • Full Paper Submissions (Optional): Notification of decision between 30-60 days

    • Final Revised Manuscript Due: At least 30 days before conference start date


The  Conference Proceedings will be published in cooperation with in Multi-volume Edited Books. All papers presented during the conference and accepted (based on the review process for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings) with at least one registered author will also be indexed by: SCOPUS, ISI Citation Index, Springer link Digital Library and others. All books published in the series are submitted for consideration in Web of Science

All presenters, regardless of the mode of presentation (verbal or poster), are invited to prepare full papers for the Conference Proceedings (Optional).

In order to provide a greater opportunity for more people to present at the Conference, each accepted paper should have a different conference registrant. However, co-authors may appear on multiple papers.

Author Services

    Our 3rd party dedicated author and English editing services are fast, accurate, and competitively priced. All manuscripts are welcome to use our services no matter if they aim for IHSED conference proceedings or the open access journal. For formatting and English editing, all manuscripts are edited by native speakers who will help to improve formatting, grammar and phrasing at any stage prior to publication. For more information please visit Author Services.

    Instructions on how to prepare your presentation:

    In general, the duration of each presentation should last 15 min with 2 min for discussion. The session chairs may, at their discretion, increase the time allocation to each presenter. Prepare and bring your presentation file saved in Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt), (.pptx) file format. Internet access will NOT be available in the meeting rooms.

    Check in at the Session Room, preferably 30-45 minutes before your session, to submit/upload your files and to preview your presentation. If checking in the day of your session, please arrive by at least 4 hours prior to the start of your session (this refers to the session start time, not the presentation start time). Each room is equipped with a laptop PC and a projection system.

    Session chairs or support team will be available to assist with the upload of your files and provide the opportunity to preview and/or edit the presentation, as necessary.

    Bring a Backup: Be sure to bring a backup copy of your presentation with you to the meeting. Please note, the Scientific Program may be changed due to speakers attendance, etc.

    Requirements for making posters:

    All presenters, regardless of the mode of presentation (verbal or poster) are invited to prepare full papers for the Conference Proceedings (Optional). Since frequently the intent of posters is to convey late-breaking scientific news and work in progress, they will be promptly peer reviewed as they are received.

    In order to submit your Poster login to the IHSED Conference Submission System

    The posters will be mounted on poster boards (one poster per board) with tacks which will be available on site. The poster boards are [3 feet (height) x 4 (feet) wide OR 90 cm x 120 cm]. Presenters can mount multiple single sheets of paper, larger posters, pictures, or any printed materials on the boards. Please note that equipment needed for demonstration is the responsibility of the author. Construct the poster to include the title, the author(s), affiliation(s), and a description of the research, highlighting the major elements that are covered in the abstract. Make sure your lettering is neatly done and is large enough to be read from a distance.

    Note: Inclusion of extended poster abstract in the Conference Proceedings is conditional upon registration of at least one author per poster. A different author should register for each poster demonstration.

    Instructions for Preparing and Uploading Presentation Files for the Conference Program:

    Login to the submission system and author console, select “+Submit Presentation Files” and follow the steps to upload the following three files directly in the system:

    For Paper Presentations:

    1. PowerPoint presentation slides (.PPSX), we recommend 15 slides per presentation
    2. PDF proof for the presentation slides (.PDF)
    3. Presentation screen recording (Audio/Video) with file format (MP4) presentation duration should be about 10-12 minutes. i.e. recorded slide show with audio narration using MS PowerPoint Slide Show format (.ppsx) converted to MP4 (If your MP4 file size is above 80 MB then click here to compress or reduce the file size).

    For Poster Demonstrations:

    1. PowerPoint presentation slides (.PPSX), we recommend up to 5 slides per poster demonstration
    2. PDF proof for the presentation slides (.PDF)
    3. Presentation screen recording (Audio/Video) with file format (MP4) presentation duration should be about 5 minutes, i.e recorded slide show with audio narration using MS PowerPoint Slide Show format (.ppsx) converted to MP4. (If your MP4 file size is above 80 MB then click here to compress or reduce the file size).

    Using webcam for presentation or demonstration recording is optional but highly recommended in order to prepare professional and quality presentation with proper visual “cues” and improve engagement of the speakers with audience. Adjust webcam at eye-level and use proper presenter camera framing and background light ( Helpful Tips to Prepare for Speaking at IHSED Virtual Conference).

      Important: Before you submit your files, check recording and presenter voice is loud and clear, playback the MP4 Video file to verify audio recorded successfully. Recommended MP4 file size: 40 MB. 

    Click here  for more information or help to record a slide show with audio narration in (.ppsx) in either macOS or Windows OS.

    Click here for quick tutorial on how to record audio narration and Convert Presentation to Video(.MP4) with PowerPoint.

    Click here for help reducing (compressing) the MP4 file size.

    The following video provide a step-by-step instructions on how to record slide show with audio narration using MS PowerPoint Slide Show format (.ppsx).

    Video source: Microsoft Office Support

    Questions or need help preparing your presentation files? Please send to

    Submission Types:

    1. Parallel presentations

    An abstract of about 500 words should be submitted through the IHSED website and should include a statement of the objective and significance of the proposed presentation, a description of methods, and a discussion of results. Please indicate to which Board your submission should be sent for review. In some cases when considering submissions for the parallel presentations, authors should consider whether their material may be more effectively presented in the poster/demonstration sessions.

    All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed by at least three independent referees from the international program boards.

    All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed by at least three independent referees from the international program boards. All submissions should be done through IHSED  submission website.

    2. Poster/demonstration sessions

    This session has been especially designed to accommodate the presentation of late-breaking scientific and professional news, work in progress, work which can be more effectively presented via demonstration or when the author feels more comfortable presenting the material in written form or demonstrating it rather than by oral presentation. An abstract of 300 words should be submitted through the IHSED website and should include the essence of the planned presentation. Equipment needed for demonstration is the responsibility of the author.

    All submitted poster abstracts will be peer-reviewed by three independent referees from the international program boards. In order to provide a greater opportunity for more people to present at the Conference, each accepted poster demonstration should have a different conference registrant. However, co-authors may appear on multiple posters.

    3. Special interest groups (SIG)

    The objective of these sessions is to bring together Conference participants to discuss a topic of common interest.

    A 500 word abstract should be submitted through the web and state the objective and significance of the session, potential participants or how participants will be selected, format of session, and anticipated duration (should not exceed 2 hours unless session is divided into Part I and Part II, etc.). If you are submitting to a specific SIG, please include the session title and session chair name. Each SIG session participant should submit an abstract to receive a unique system ID number.


    An abstract of 300 words should state the objective, content, target audience, a bio-sketch about the presenter(s) and A/V requirements. Indicate whether the proposed tutorial is for a half-day or full-day. Please submit abstract through the IHSED submission website.

    In order to submit your Abstract, you need sign up or login to the Conference Submission System

    For inclusion in the IHSED Conference Proceedings, at least one registration per submission is required.